Nipaluna (Hobart), Tasmania
13-15 November 2025
Grand Chancellor Hotel Hobart (nipaluna), Tasmania, Australia
After an outstanding meeting in the Barossa Valley for Frontiers 2023, the Passe & Williams Foundation encourages you to save the date for Frontiers 2025.
Frontiers is the perfect meeting for scientists and clinical practitioners to discuss the latest research and clinical needs in OHNS, and provides ample opportunities to network and forge collaborations. Expect diverse, enlightening, even provocative discussions, along with an exciting Poster Pitch session and social events.
"It's rare to attend a conference where every presentation is of the highest standard and worthwhile. It’s even rarer for me to attend every single talk. Frontiers 2023 was such a conference. The speakers were compelling and inspiring." - Prof. Peter Friedland
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