The OHNS SET program is a competency based program consisting of three levels: Novice, Intermediate and Competent
All trainees commencing SET will begin at Novice Level. Trainees remain at this level until they have satisfactorily met all of the Novice requirements. Summative assessment occurs at the end of each rotation with completion of an EOTA and Logbook, the Supervisor might also review all workplace assessments. It is at this point that a trainees’ competency is assessed. Trainees will only advance to the next level of training at the commencement of a rotation.
Each competency level has a time limit expressed as the maximum number of satisfactory terms:
- Maximum of four satisfactory rotations at Novice level.
- Maximum of six satisfactory rotations at Intermediate level
- Minimum of two and a maximum of four satisfactory rotations at Competent level
Each level of the SET Program has minimum performance requirements used to assess performance and make a determination on progression and suitability to continue training.
The maximum number of rotations a trainee is allowed to successfully complete the training and be awarded RACS Fellowship is fourteen.
The SET training requirements for each level are :
Competent trainees may be eligible to present for the Fellowship
Successful Completion of OHNS SET
Trainees will be eligibile to apply for Fellowship once all OHNS SET Requirements have been successfully completed.