24 February


Congratulations to Professor Ray Sacks on his election as RACS’ next Vice President. His leadership alongside Professor Owen Ung as President will undoubtedly contribute to the advancement of the College. Read more >>>

17 January

Will you be joining us in Sydney for the ASOHNS ASM 2025?

PRE-MEETING WORKSHOPS Endoscopic Orbital & Skullbase Workshop (Limited Spaces Available) Wednesday 26 – Thursday 27 March 2025 University of Technology (UTS), Sydney Convener: Catherine Banks     Endoscopic & Microscopic Ear Surgery Dissection Course (Currently full - waitlist available only) Wednesday 26 – Thursday ... Read more >>>

1 January

Best wishes for 2025

We wish you a heartfelt Happy New Year, may it be a year of learning,  discovery, happiness. We can't wait to reconnect with the ENT community again at ASOHNS ASM2025 in Sydney, 28-30 March 2025.   This ... Read more >>>



The Annual Scientific Meeting as a face-to-face conference cannot go ahead as planned. The risk of delegates acquiring COVID-19 is low, but real. 

The Annual Scientific Meeting as a face-to-face conference cannot go ahead as planned. The risk of delegates acquiring COVID-19 is low, but real. 

The risk of holding the conference is likely the same in Sydney as anywhere else in Australia.  However, the risk of a delegate being exposed to COVID-19 at the conference could result in 75% of the ENT’s in Australia and most, if not all, trainees potentially being quarantined for at least 2 weeks. This would be devastating for the healthcare of Australia particularly with the potential problems if the virus does accelerate as predicted.

Therefore, ASOHNS’ Council Federal Executive have made the difficult decision to cancel the face-to-face conference and the Conveners have proposed to take steps to convert the conference in Sydney to a virtual congress. 

The course content will be captured onsite or remotely over the March 13-15th dates. All those who were presenting will have the opportunity to present their work. Presentations will be collated for broadcast and online access prior to 31 May 2020.

We will be spending the coming days, the dates of the meeting 13-15 March 2020 and a couple of weeks of editing, to deliver an outstanding virtual conference with all the scientific content planned.

Details of how to provide your presentation will be sent separately to all presenters.

The valuable preparation and scientific material will still occur on the conference dates as planned, but without any delegates. 

The online material will be available to all ASOHNS members, trainees and delegates for the purposes of CPD and scientific benefit.

Registration fees to delegates will be refunded upon request to RACS Events management after 15 March 2020.

We will liaise the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons regarding CPD.

If you were scheduled to present at the conference, you will receive a separate email regarding how to submit your presentation, either in person at the ICC, or electronically.

We thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.

If you have a general enquiry, please send to with the Subject line “ASM 2020 Virtual Congress”

We will endeavour to respond within 48 hours.

Registration enquiries should be sent to

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About Our Company

ASOHNS is the representative organisation for Ear Nose and Throat Head and Neck Surgeons in Australia, and dates from 1950. ASOHNS members are Specialist Surgeons who investigate and treat conditions of the ear, nose, throat and neck.

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113 Union Street
McMahons Point NSW 2060


+61 2 9954 5856
