2026 Intake OHNS SET Application & Selection

Surgical Education and Training (SET) Program

The SET Program in Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery (OHNS) is the accredited training program to obtain Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) in the specialty of OHNS.  OHNS trainees are trained at State or Territory Government accredited training posts throughout Australia. 

Specialist International Medical Graduates

Eligible Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMGs), who wish to gain one of the nine specialty qualifications, may apply for  assessment through RACS.  For more information, visit the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) and the Australian Medical Council (AMC) websites.

Australian Selection into the OHNS SET Program

Generic Requirements

Before applying to the SET program, the applicant must first register and satisfy the generic eligibility criteria determined by the RACS.  Registrations open on Tuesday 7th January 2025. For more detailed information refer to the RACS generic eligibility requirements for selection.

Application to the OHNS SET Program

  • Individuals who wish to apply to the OHNS SET Program are required to meet minimum eligibility and CV requirements outlined in the Selection Regulations to be considered for selection.

Please email OHNStraining@asohns.org.au if you require assistance with the submission process.

SET Selection References

Applicants are recommended to use the following references in order to successfully navigate the selection process.

Modifications to the Selection Regulations for 2026 Intake

  • Introduction of Areas of Workforce Shortage and Rural Selection Initiative.


  • The Situational Judgement Test has been removed as a Selection Component.


  • A Multi-Source Feedback (MSF) has been added as a Selection Component.


  • Adaptations have been made to scoring for publications including clarification of “Simple Reviews”.


  • Rural Origin CV marking (maximum 1 point) removed.


  • Publications accepted but not yet published are no longer accepted.


  • Presentations must be complete, that is presented, at the time of application close date. Prospective presentations will not be scored with one exception for ASOHNS Annual scientific meeting 2025, as this event is taking place after the selection close date.


  • The number of OHNS consultants required as surgical experience Referees in regional / rural hospitals has been reduced to support regional/rural Applicants to meet Selection Regulation CV requirements.


  • Referee Reports - the Referee must have observed the Applicant both in outpatient clinics and in the operating theatre.


  • Applicants may nominate a second training region in the same year of application, noting that this will be recorded as a separate attempt and will be counted towards the maximum number of attempts. Requests to apply for more than one region must be sent by email to OHNSTrainees@asohns.org.au   


  • Training Region Change – Northern Territory is linked with South Australia, previously with NSW/ACT.


  • Interviews will be held face-to-face in June 2025, rather than online.

Selection Process

The selection process uses four selection tools, each contributing a weighted score as:

  • Structured Curriculum Vitae 15%
  • Multi-Source Feedback 10%
  • Structured Reference Reports 35%
  • Semi-Structured Interview 40%

Only the top ranked suitable applicants will progress to the interview stage.  The number of applicants interviewed will be based on estimated number of positions available in 2026.

Anticipated Guide to 2026 Post Vacancies

Following is a guide to anticipated post vacancies for the 2026 intake year. It is important to note that this is only a guide, the number of vacancies can vary prior to January 2026.

Training Region Anticipated Posts


RACS Selection Policies

Application Processing Fee

All applicants will be charged a non-refundable application processing fee which must be paid at the time of application.

OHNS SET Application Fee will be charged as follows:

Application Fee  $630.00 including GST

Interview Fee $1050.00 including GST

Both fees will be paid at the time of submission. Should your application not progress to interview the interview fee will be refunded.  Once your application has been submitted and payment made, it is final.  Your application cannot be changed, added to or resubmitted.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Selection Initiative

Two training positions nationally, limited to a maximum of one per region are reserved to support selection opportunities for candidates who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and who reach the minimum standard for selection as set out in the Regulations.

Special Measure

The Board has introduced a special measure to give effect to the RACS Diversity and Inclusion Plan.  The special measure will ensure there is Substantive Gender Equality between Successful female and male Applicants.

Areas of Workforce Shortage and Rural Selection Initiative

The Board has introduced a special measure to give effect to the Rural Health Equity Strategic Action Plan. This will be a seperate stream to the Regional Training Nominations. Refer to the Selection Regulations 3.4.

Anticipated  2026 Post Vacancies

Training Region Anticipated Posts


​This nomination form must be completed at the time of application.

Past Offers

The following shows trainees appointed onto the SET program by commencement year.  (includes deferred offers)

2025 Intake 21
2024 Intake 15
2023 Intake 19
2022 Intake 16
2021 Intake 10
2020 Intake 12
2019 Intake 17
2018 Intake 22
2017 Intake 13
2016 Intake 9
2015 Intake 12
2014 Intake 19
2013 Intake 15
2012 Intake 15
2011 Intake 6


Continuous Review Notifications  

The Board has mandated the future changes to CV Scoring:

  • Ongoing - the Board will reinstate the RACS Skills courses CV scoring component once the courses become widely available.


All enquiries must come by email OHNStraining@asohns.org.au  No advice will be provided over the phone. 

Most questions can be answered by referring to the Selection Regulations for the current year intake. ASOHNS staff are unable to advise on scoring. If after reading the Selection Regulations, you consider that your activity meets the criteria, include this in the CV and upload your supporting documentation.​