
Welcome to Sydney, a city that weaves a vibrant tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. We gather for the 34th Annual Robert Guerin ASOHNS Trainee Meeting, continuing our professional journey of knowledge, collaboration, and growth as a speciality.

This year’s meeting will aim to maximize your training experience with a clinical and examination focus.  The mock examination at St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, lectures, and interactive discussions with subspecialist experts should deepen your expertise beyond the textbooks.

I extend my profound gratitude to all our colleagues and staff who have generously donated their time and skill to make your 2024 meeting possible.

Dr Timothy Matthews, FRACS

RGM 2024 Convener


Dr Peter Floros

Dr Brett Leavers



Research Prize













RGM 2024 Overview    




Sunday 20 October

Mock Exam (morning)

St Vincent's Hospital

Sunday 20 October

Clinical Stations (afternoon)

Novotel Hotel

Sunday 20 October

Social Evening Welcome Gathering


Monday 21 October

Educational Program Day 1

Novotel Hotel

Monday 21 October

Annual Trainees Dinner

Function room @ The Locker Room

Tuesday 22 October

Educational Program Day 2

Novotel Hotel

Dr Robert Guerin

This meeting is named in honour of Dr Robert Guerin, an Adelaide otolaryngologist and past President of ASOHNS (1991 - 1993). Dr Guerin was the convener for the inaugural trainee meeting held in Adelaide in 1990. He was a great contributor to the OHNS specialty and a dedicated teacher who promoted the specialty both locally and internationally.

Robert Guerin Research Prize

The Garnett Passe Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation will award the annual Robert Guerin Research prize for the best adjudged Australian trainee research.

The prize will comprise of a GPRWMF Certificate, free registration and an opportunity to present as a speaker at the Frontiers Meeting.