24 February Congratulations Congratulations to Professor Ray Sacks on his election as RACS’ next Vice President. His leadership alongside Professor Owen Ung as President will undoubtedly contribute to the advancement of the College. Read more >>>
21 January Only one more week left for Early Bird registration Only one more week until Early Bird Registrations close! Register before 11:59pm AEST, Tuesday 28 January 2025 to confirm the discounted registration rate. To register CLICK HERE Read more >>>
17 January Will you be joining us in Sydney for the ASOHNS ASM 2025? PRE-MEETING WORKSHOPS Endoscopic Orbital & Skullbase Workshop (Limited Spaces Available) Wednesday 26 – Thursday 27 March 2025 University of Technology (UTS), Sydney Convener: Catherine Banks Endoscopic & Microscopic Ear Surgery Dissection Course (Currently full - waitlist available only) Wednesday 26 – Thursday ... Read more >>>
1 January Best wishes for 2025 We wish you a heartfelt Happy New Year, may it be a year of learning, discovery, happiness. We can't wait to reconnect with the ENT community again at ASOHNS ASM2025 in Sydney, 28-30 March 2025. This ... Read more >>>
4 January Welcome to 2023 January 4, 2023 By Asohns Admin General 0 Welcome to 2023 ASOHNS welcomes in the new year and wishes all members and OHNS Trainees well for an exciting year ahead. The coming months will be busy preparing to host the 15th Asia Oceania ORL HNS Congress in conjunction with the ASOHNS ASM 2023 in Brisbane. Related Articles ONLY 2 MONTHS TO GO UNTIL AO ORL-HNS 2023! We wish you a heartfelt Happy New Year, may it be a year of learning, discovery, happiness. We can't wait to reconnect with the ENT community in-person again at the 15th AO ORL-HNS 2023, in conjunction with the 73rd ASOHNS ASM, from 8-12 March 2023. With only 2 months to go, make sure to join us in Brisbane for an unforgettable congress showcasing the very latest in cutting-edge otorhinolaryngology research, technologies, and breakthroughs. We look forward to seeing you there. Best regards, Professor Bernard Lyons and Professor Ben Panizza Please visit the event website 2023 NAIDOC Person of the Year Award Congratulations to Professor Kelvin Kong on receiving this award. Professor Kelvin Kong is a Worimi man who grew up on Country in Port Stephens, on the New South Wales mid-north-coast. Kelvin graduated from the University of New South Wales to become Australia's first Indigenous surgeon. He credits his mother, Grace Kinsella, a pioneering Indigenous registered nurse, for inspiring him and his older sisters, twins Marlene and Marilyn, to become doctors. Their father, Kong Cheok Seng, a Malaysian Chinese man, is also a doctor. Professor Kong, now works on Awabakal and Worimi Country, and is associated with the University of Newcastle's School of Medicine and Public Health. He is an Otolaryngology, Head and Neck surgeon and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS). Kelvin works at Newcastle's John Hunter Hospital and John Hunter Children’s Hospital, and he explains that hearing loss, often caused by Otitis Media (middle ear disease), significantly contributes to poor educational outcomes for children and can lead to higher unemployment rates in adults as a result. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children experience the highest levels of chronic otitis media in the world, affecting up to 70% of children in remote communities. Determined to change the statistics, Dr Kong has dedicated his career to early intervention. Dr Kong says “If we can reduce the risk of hearing loss, we can have a direct impact on a child's ability to learn and develop. The change that we see is remarkable - we can take them from limited hearing and language skills to fully functioning teenagers with real employment prospects”. Dr Kong is passionate about addressing the disparity in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children. Each year, he spends a portion of his time working in, and for, remote Indigenous communities providing access to quality healthcare that would otherwise be limited or completely unavailable. This includes visiting the Kimberley’s each year to perform specialist consultations and surgery. He is also passionate about improving pathways into specialist medical training and improving Indigenous workforce across the health and research sector. Dr Kong mentors high school students to encourage more Indigenous people to consider careers in medicine and surgery. In 2011, Dr Kong joined other medical practitioners in the Care for Kids' Ears campaign to address the ongoing issues experienced by remote communities. The campaign was designed to encourage communities to be empowered with resources and information about ear health to reduce the risk of ear disease and hearing loss. Dr Kong is passionate in his advocacy in which he centres the importance of working together as a community - "When we work together with a community, we can address all the issues that arise from ear disease. Our job is to improve kids' health so they can get the education they need." Some of Dr Kong's many roles include: First ever identified Indigenous Fellow, and current Chair of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons’ (RACS). Examiner, Royal Australasian College Surgeons Mentor Surgical Pathways for Indigenous Australians Public and Private practice in Newcastle, at Hunter ENT Surgery Professor and mentor at the University of Newcastle Honorary Professor Macquarie University Associate Professor UNSW Clinical lead, ENT Outreach services HNELHD Indigenous Lead, Australian Society Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery Researcher; Successful in numerous NHMRC grants, awards and collaboration Chair, Advisory Group for reporting on the Ear and Hearing Health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Member, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ear and Hearing Health Partnership Committee Served on multiple advisory boards and committee’s including the Indigenous Health and Fellowship Services Committee Previous Board member for the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) Previous Board member Cancer Australia’s Advisory Board Previous Board Member Hearing Australia Previous secretary of Australia and New Zealand Society Paediatric Otolaryngology (ANZSPO) Recently, Dr Kong received an Honour Roll mention for Australian of the Year Many of our young Mob are labelled as problems, too difficult, described as having learning difficulties, or as not wanting to learn. The truth is that due to the complex legacy of colonisation, under-funded communities, and racism, many of our young people are living with undiagnosed and treatable medical issues that create barriers to learning, education, employment and healthy living. It is Dr Kong’s goal to ensure that these barriers are eradicated and that our Mob have equal access to quality health care to enable them to have every opportunity in life. From https://www.naidoc.org.au/award-finalist/professor-kelvin-kong Seasons Greetings As 2022 comes to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you an enjoyable break with family and friends. The ASOHNS office is closed from 5pm Friday 23 December and will re-open on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 With warm wishes for a happy and healthy new year in 2023. ASOHNS Federal Secretariat NSW Australian of the Year - Top four Finalist ASOHNS would like to congratulate Professor Kelvin Kong on being nominated as one of the top four finalists in the NSW Australian of the Year. He was recognised for his work as a Surgeon and advocate for Aboriginal ear health This year Professor Kong was in the company of Professor Megan Davis - Aboriginal constitutional and human rights lawyer (Sydney), Craig Foster AM - Human rights and anti-racism activist, former Socceroo (Sydney), Dr Barry Kirby AO - Founder, The Hands of Rescue, obstetrics and gynaecology specialist (Carool) For information on his nomination - click here RACS Rural Surgeons Award 2022 ASOHNS congratulates Dr Michael Wilson who has been awarded the RACS Rural Surgeon Award in 2022. Awarded in recognition of his significant contribution to surgery in rural settings in Australia Awarded 23 June 2022 and presented at the ASOHNS Victorian Quarterly Meeting August 2023. 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