21 January Only one more week left for Early Bird registration Only one more week until Early Bird Registrations close! Register before 11:59pm AEST, Tuesday 28 January 2025 to confirm the discounted registration rate. To register CLICK HERE Read more >>>
17 January Will you be joining us in Sydney for the ASOHNS ASM 2025? PRE-MEETING WORKSHOPS Endoscopic Orbital & Skullbase Workshop (Limited Spaces Available) Wednesday 26 – Thursday 27 March 2025 University of Technology (UTS), Sydney Convener: Catherine Banks Endoscopic & Microscopic Ear Surgery Dissection Course (Currently full - waitlist available only) Wednesday 26 – Thursday ... Read more >>>
1 January Best wishes for 2025 We wish you a heartfelt Happy New Year, may it be a year of learning, discovery, happiness. We can't wait to reconnect with the ENT community again at ASOHNS ASM2025 in Sydney, 28-30 March 2025. This ... Read more >>>
18 November ASOHNS International Scholarship for Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Surgical Education for 2025 applications are now open. This scholarship, up to the amount of $12,000, will provide otolaryngology, head and neck surgeons from developing countries in the Asia Pacific region with the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational opportunities for faculty ... Read more >>>
22 June ANZSPO BUTTON BATTERIES IN CHILDREN: UPDATE ON CURRENT MANAGEMENT June 22, 2020 By Paediatrics 0 Current statement from the Australian and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology (ANZSPO) on management for button batteries in children. Please click here to access the current statement from the Australian and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology (ANZSPO) aiming to update members on the current management of button batteries in children. Thank you, Paul Walker MBBS PhD FRACS FACS OAM President ANZSPO Related Articles MBS UPDATE 20 APRIL 2020 A further update to MBS Telehealth Items has been made by the Department of Health effective from 20 April 2020. The amendment removes the requirement for specialists to bulk-bill patients. For further detail, please refer to MBS Online - Please click here Order of Australia Medal 2024 Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the General Division 2024 Professor Kelvin Kong, NSW For significant service to medicine as an Otolaryngologist, and to Indigenous health. Surgery • Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon, Hunter ENT, since 2008. • Visiting Medical Officer Surgeon, various public and private hospitals within the Hunter New England Local Health District, current. Education • Professor, School of Medicine and Public Health, The University of Newcastle, current. • Honorary Professor, Macquarie University, current. • Associate Professor, University of New South Wales, current. Australian Indigenous Doctors Association • Founding Member. • Board Member, 2007-2008. • Chair, Healthy Futures Best Practice Project, 2004-2005. • Eastern Region Representative Board Member, 2001-2004. • Student Representative, 1998. Professional Associations • Former Secretary, Australian and New Zealand Society for Paediatric Otolaryngology. • Former Member, Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. • Sub-Committee Member, Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges, 2008-2015. Menzies School of Health Research • Joint Chair, Hearing for Learning Initiative, since 2019. • Member, Centre of Research Excellence in Otitis Media of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children, 2012. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) • Former Court of Examiners. • Mina Chair, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee, current¶ • Member, Indigenous Health Committee, 2015-2019, and Chair, 2008-2015. • Member, Fellowships Services Committee, 2008-2015. • Member, GSK Immunisation Schedule, 2008-2010. • Chair, Indigenous Health Working Party, 2007-2008. • Executive Board Member, Divisional Group of Rural Surgeons, 2007-2008. • Member, Indigenous Health Working Project, 2006-2007. JOINT MEDIA RELEASE FROM BRENDAN MURPHY AND NICK COATSWORTH AUTHORISED BY GREG HUNT, THE MINISTER FOR HEALTH Dear Members / Trainees Please see message below and a link to the joint media statement from Brendan Murphy & Nick Coatsworth, authorised by Greg Hunt, on the easing of certain elective surgery restrictions. We will be in touch with further detail as this becomes available. Kind regards, Federal Secretariat --------------------------------------------------------------- Click here for the full media release in PDF Minister Hunt’s office issued the media release regarding the easing of elective surgery restrictions. The Prime Minister’s office has also issued a media statement, Update on Coronavirus Measures, that includes the following section about elective surgery. Elective surgery National Cabinet received up-to-date data on the stock of personnel protective equipment (PPE) in the National Medical Stockpile, and PPE held by state and territory health systems. PPE stocks and other equipment such as ventilators are now largely sufficient to meet expected demand for Australia’s COVID19 response through to December 2020, with current social distancing and travel restriction measures in place. National Cabinet noted that the National Medical Stockpile does not replace state, territory or private processes to source and deliver PPE to meet their needs. To date, the National Medical Stockpile has dispatched over 22 million masks primarily to state and territories, GP’s, Community Pharmacy, ACHHOS and aged care, with a further 11.5 million being dispatched this week. Unnecessarily delaying elective surgeries can worsen health outcomes, increase anxiety and reduce social and economic productivity. As result of Australia’s success in flattening the curve, our low rates of COVID related hospitalisation and new data on stocks of PPE, National Cabinet agreed that from 27 April 2020, category 2 and equivalent procedures can recommence across the public and private hospital sectors. As result of Australia’s success in flattening the curve, our low rates of COVID related hospitalisation and new data on stocks of PPE, National Cabinet agreed that from 27 April 2020, category 2 and some important category 3 procedures can recommence across the public and private hospital sectors. National Cabinet further agreed that the following procedures can recommence from 27 April 2020: · IVF · Screening programs (cancer and other diseases) · Post cancer reconstruction procedures (such as breast reconstruction) · Procedures for children under 18 years of age. · Joint replacements (incl knees, hips, shoulders) · Cataracts and eye procedures · Endoscopy and colonoscopy procedures PPE stocks for these elective surgeries and procedures will not be taken from the National Medical Stockpile. It is estimated that a gradual restart of elective surgeries will see 1 in 4 closed elective surgery operating lists reopen, with flexibility for states to determine the appropriate levels of elective surgery within this general framework. Reintroduction of elective surgery in a staged manner balances the ongoing need for the capacity to treat COVID-19 patients, while allowing our hospitals to treat elective surgery patients. These arrangements will be reviewed by 11 May 2020, to determine if other elective surgeries and procedures can recommence and volumes increased. National Cabinet further agreed to the Australian Dental Association recommendation that dentists move to level 2 restrictions (such as fitting dentures, braces, non-high speed drill fillings and basic fillings), allowing a broader range of dental interventions to occur where the risk of transmission can be managed and PPE stocks procured by the private sector. National Cabinet again thanked Australia’s health care professionals for their work to support our COVID-19 response. Kind regards, Ben Houston Acting Director – Health Communication Communication and Change Branch | People, Communication and Parliamentary Division Australian Government Department of Health T: 02.6289.5745 | E: benjamin.houston@health.gov.au PO Box 9848, Canberra ACT 2601 Level 3 Sirius Building North, Furze St. Woden ACT The Department of Health acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to elders both past and present. ASOHNS ADVISER ON DIVERSITY Following the March ASOHNS Council meeting a new co-opted, honorary position of Advisor on Diversity was created on the ASOHNS Council. We thank all our members who took the time to submit an Expression of Interest. The selection sub-committee were extremely pleased with the calibre of candidates, and their experience and willingness to take on the role. It is with great pleasure the ASOHNS Federal Council would like to announce that Dr Bridget Clancy FRACS (Victoria) has been offered and accepted the role. The Advisor on Diversity will attend Council Meetings and be involved with the oversight and implementation of diversity and inclusion across the society's activities, including Board activities (selection and training), member activities and annual scientific meetings. 2023 NAIDOC Person of the Year Award Congratulations to Professor Kelvin Kong on receiving this award. Professor Kelvin Kong is a Worimi man who grew up on Country in Port Stephens, on the New South Wales mid-north-coast. Kelvin graduated from the University of New South Wales to become Australia's first Indigenous surgeon. He credits his mother, Grace Kinsella, a pioneering Indigenous registered nurse, for inspiring him and his older sisters, twins Marlene and Marilyn, to become doctors. Their father, Kong Cheok Seng, a Malaysian Chinese man, is also a doctor. Professor Kong, now works on Awabakal and Worimi Country, and is associated with the University of Newcastle's School of Medicine and Public Health. He is an Otolaryngology, Head and Neck surgeon and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS). Kelvin works at Newcastle's John Hunter Hospital and John Hunter Children’s Hospital, and he explains that hearing loss, often caused by Otitis Media (middle ear disease), significantly contributes to poor educational outcomes for children and can lead to higher unemployment rates in adults as a result. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children experience the highest levels of chronic otitis media in the world, affecting up to 70% of children in remote communities. Determined to change the statistics, Dr Kong has dedicated his career to early intervention. Dr Kong says “If we can reduce the risk of hearing loss, we can have a direct impact on a child's ability to learn and develop. The change that we see is remarkable - we can take them from limited hearing and language skills to fully functioning teenagers with real employment prospects”. Dr Kong is passionate about addressing the disparity in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children. Each year, he spends a portion of his time working in, and for, remote Indigenous communities providing access to quality healthcare that would otherwise be limited or completely unavailable. This includes visiting the Kimberley’s each year to perform specialist consultations and surgery. He is also passionate about improving pathways into specialist medical training and improving Indigenous workforce across the health and research sector. Dr Kong mentors high school students to encourage more Indigenous people to consider careers in medicine and surgery. In 2011, Dr Kong joined other medical practitioners in the Care for Kids' Ears campaign to address the ongoing issues experienced by remote communities. The campaign was designed to encourage communities to be empowered with resources and information about ear health to reduce the risk of ear disease and hearing loss. Dr Kong is passionate in his advocacy in which he centres the importance of working together as a community - "When we work together with a community, we can address all the issues that arise from ear disease. Our job is to improve kids' health so they can get the education they need." Some of Dr Kong's many roles include: First ever identified Indigenous Fellow, and current Chair of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons’ (RACS). Examiner, Royal Australasian College Surgeons Mentor Surgical Pathways for Indigenous Australians Public and Private practice in Newcastle, at Hunter ENT Surgery Professor and mentor at the University of Newcastle Honorary Professor Macquarie University Associate Professor UNSW Clinical lead, ENT Outreach services HNELHD Indigenous Lead, Australian Society Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery Researcher; Successful in numerous NHMRC grants, awards and collaboration Chair, Advisory Group for reporting on the Ear and Hearing Health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Member, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ear and Hearing Health Partnership Committee Served on multiple advisory boards and committee’s including the Indigenous Health and Fellowship Services Committee Previous Board member for the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) Previous Board member Cancer Australia’s Advisory Board Previous Board Member Hearing Australia Previous secretary of Australia and New Zealand Society Paediatric Otolaryngology (ANZSPO) Recently, Dr Kong received an Honour Roll mention for Australian of the Year Many of our young Mob are labelled as problems, too difficult, described as having learning difficulties, or as not wanting to learn. The truth is that due to the complex legacy of colonisation, under-funded communities, and racism, many of our young people are living with undiagnosed and treatable medical issues that create barriers to learning, education, employment and healthy living. It is Dr Kong’s goal to ensure that these barriers are eradicated and that our Mob have equal access to quality health care to enable them to have every opportunity in life. From https://www.naidoc.org.au/award-finalist/professor-kelvin-kong ASOHNS International Scholarship for Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Surgical Education for 2025 applications are now open. This scholarship, up to the amount of $12,000, will provide otolaryngology, head and neck surgeons from developing countries in the Asia Pacific region with the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational opportunities for faculty development and enhancement that will result in acquisition of new knowledge and skills in surgical education and training. This knowledge and these skills will be useful in improving surgical education and training at the scholar’s home institution and country. The scholar will participate in hands-on course(s) that address surgical education and training across the continuum of professional development. The focus will be on building knowledge and skills in OHNS surgical practice such as FESS, Head & Neck, temporal bone or any other course approved by ASOHNS and relevant to the applicant. Following the course, the scholar may visit an appropriate hospital for observation of relevant clinical areas. At the conclusion of the course and visits to suitable institutions, the scholar will send to the Outreach Committee a brief report outlining how the aims outlined in their application for the scholarship have been achieved. Evidence of support of the scholar’s objectives from the leadership at the home institution must be provided by the applicant and will be used as one of the criteria for selection of the scholar. The scholarship will support costs of up to $12,000, for travel, accommodation, meals and registration fees for course(s) undertaken. Assistance in reserving accommodation in the course city is available if required. Please carefully read the requirements listed on the following page. All requirements must be fulfilled, and all requested documents provided in a timely manner, for an application to be eligible. Applicants must fill in all fields marked with an asterisk (*). If an applicant has nothing to put into a required field, enter N/A, meaning “Not Applicable.” Per the published requirements, applicants must also submit three (3) independently prepared letters of recommendation. In addition, applicants are to write an essay of no more than one page regarding their work setting, including their hospital and the patients they see, as well as their participation in quality improvement activities in this setting. They are to indicate their career goals, indicating how they will transfer learning to their current situation. Recommenders are requested to address the applicant’s educational goals as expressed in their essay. Application materials are due no later than December 15, 2024, and are accepted via e-mail only. Please send materials to the Outreach Committee via email to: ceo@asohns.org.au Click here for the application form The scholarship requirements are: • Applicants must be graduates of schools of medicine. • Applicants must be at least 30 years old but under 55, on the date that the completed application is submitted. • Applicants must submit their applications from their intended permanent location. • Applications will be accepted for processing only when the applicants have been in surgical practice and teaching for a minimum of one year following completion of all formal training (including fellowships and scholarships). • Applicants must submit a fully completed application form provided by the Society on its website. The application and accompanying materials must be typewritten and in English. • Applicants are responsible for arranging their own travel Visa to enter Australia at their own cost. Evidence of a valid travel Visa must be supplied at least one month prior to travel. If this is not provided, the scholarship will be withdrawn. The applicant will be eligible to re-apply in the following year. • Applicants must submit independently prepared letters of recommendation from three (3) of their colleagues. One letter must be from the Chair of the Department or division in which the applicant holds an academic or clinical appointment, or a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons residing in their country. If the applicant is the sole ENT surgeon in a small country, the letter can be from other senior persons with whom the applicant has worked in their country. • The International Scholarship for OHNS Surgical Education must be used in the year for which it is designated. It cannot be postponed. • Awardees are expected to provide a written report upon their return home, specifically focusing on the value of the visit to the awardee and the potentialbeneficial effect to patients in the country of origin. • Unsuccessful applicants may reapply only twice and only by completing and submitting a current application form provided by the Society, together with new supporting documentation. Showing 0 Comment Comments are closed.